Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It works by channeling universal spiritual wisdom (Rei) and life force energy (Ki) to support the body's natural ability to heal itself.
Can Reiki do any harm?
No, Reiki can never do harm. It is a gentle and non-invasive healing method that only works for your highest good.
What if I don't believe Reiki can work?
That's okay! You don't know what you don't know, so I recommend giving it a try at least once. Reiki promotes natural healing and cannot do any harm, regardless of your beliefs.
Can I only get the benefits of Reiki in person?
No, Reiki is just as effective when performed remotely. Energy knows no time or space, so distance healing is equally impactful and often travels even quicker.
What is distance Reiki?
Distance Reiki is a type of energy healing that allows the practitioner to send healing energy to someone who is not physically present. It can be done remotely via phone or computer, making it accessible no matter where you are.
How does Reiki work?
Reiki is a combination of energy work and spirituality that uses hand placements to scan the body, including the chakras. It helps to clear blockages and promote the flow of positive energy throughout the body.
Does Reiki interfere with other healing practices?
No, Reiki can be used in conjunction with other healing modalities. It works in harmony with all other forms of treatment, including medical and psychological care.
What is Ki and how does it work?
Ki is the life energy that flows through all of us. It travels within the body through pathways like chakras, meridians, and nadis, and around us in an energy field called the aura. Ki is responsive to our thoughts and feelings.
How does Reiki impact Ki?
Reiki raises the vibrational level in and around the physical body, where negative thoughts and feelings may be attached. This process breaks apart and clears the negative energy, allowing healthy Ki to flow naturally.
Is Reiki a religion?
Reiki is spiritual in nature, as it promotes love and compassion, but it is not a religion. Some people may find that Reiki enhances their religious or spiritual experience, but it does not require any particular belief system.
Can anyone practice Reiki?
Yes, anyone can learn and practice Reiki, but it is essential to be trained and attuned by a certified Reiki teacher. This attunement process enables you to channel Reiki energy effectively.